Book Lessons

Please make sure you know what level your child swims at so that they are placed in the correct class

Level 1

My child is just starting to learn how to swim or they have not begun swimming at all.

Level 2

My child can do the basics like bob underwater, while holding the wall, kick their feet or swim with assistance.

Level 3

My child has learned some of the strokes, is comfortable going underwater and can push off the wall and swim a few feet independently.

Level 4

My child can swim independently on their front, can dive underwater for toys and can swim on their back with a kickboard.

Level 5

My child is able to dive from the side of the pool, can swim on their back without a kickboard, knows all of their strokes and can tread water in the deep end for several minutes.

Level 6 (Advanced)

My child knows all of the strokes, and can swim independently on their front/back/side. These lessons are geared towards kids looking to become lifeguard certified in the near future and focus on red cross safety and rescues.

How it works:

  1. Choose the level and time that works best for your child using the information above

  2. Click the “BOOK LESSONS” button below

  3. Your child’s info is what you are entering when it asks for a name, there is a separate section on the intake form for your name.

  4. Sign up for one lesson per child (so even if you have 2 children who are both in level 1, you should still book 2 separate lessons).

  5. PAYMENTS ARE NOT DUE UNTIL THE FIRST WEEK OF SWIMMING LESSONS. If you need to discuss financing options, please call Cindy Rogers (518-478-4402). Checks can be made payable to: “Town of Hebron Swim Program”

  6. Please be advised that if you schedule lessons, you are reserving a spot in that time. If your child is no longer able to attend lessons, please cancel your reservation so that another child can take that spot. If you decide to change times, make sure you reschedule the original appt otherwise you will take 2 spots for one kiddo.


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